Thursday, September 29, 2011

Research Paper Sources (all 10)

Research Question: What is America's general portrayal of rap music and is it fair?

Richardson, Jeanita, and Kim Scott. "Rap Music and Its Violent Progeny: America's Culture of Violence in Context." The Journal of Negro Education, 71.3 (2002): 175-192.

This article's intention is to take a different look at rap music/industry from a positive outlook. Its main purpose is to show why rap music shouldn't be seen as just deviant behavior put into words. The belief being that making a negative impression about rap, without understanding its meaning and how it came about is unfair. The statement "Rap music, is rooted in the African tradition of speaking rhythmically to a beat generally supplied by background music" (Richardson 176) really sets the stage for the rest of the article, as a beginning to show the truth behind rap music.

Richardson and Scott truly seem to believe that too many negative attitudes nationwide are directed at rap music, when many other forms of music and media could also be seen as having negative messages. They realize that rap does give off negative messages about drugs, alcohol, prostitution, etc, however they think that if put into a rap artist's shoes, many people would better understand the intended theme of the songs.

This article seems to be perfect to provide information to write my paper. It not only gives the an opinion on America's portrayal, but also a personal opinion about rap music. The use of both personal opinion and outside sources/facts really increases the functionality of the article. What seems logical is to use this source as information for one point of view on the topic and find another article with a mostly negative outlook on rap.

Fried, Carrie. "Who's Afraid of Rap: Differential Reactions to Music Lyrics." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29.4 (1999): 705-721.

The use of experiments and polls is very prevalent in Fried's "Who's Afraid of Rap: Differential Reactions to Music Lyrics." The idea of the article is not necessarily to persuade or convince, but to let the reader form their own opinion based on informational studies and statistics. By stating both positive and negative results of rap music, the article becomes a very balanced, straight-forward article. The two following quotes provide this balanced reporting: "It has been argued that rap serves as a voice of protest for those left out of the “American dream” (Fried 706)," and "...exposure to violent rap videos leads to a greater acceptance of violence and lowered academic aspirations among young African Americans (Fried 706)." The article also makes many comparisons between rap and other genres of music, especially country and heavy metal in order to show the difference in perceptions of similar quotes in music.

Fried purposely takes no apparent opinion on the topic in the article. She solely is providing information for the reader to form their own perspective about rap music. This is good for my paper, in that a neutral viewpoint gives non-biased, factual information about rap and its effects on Americans. The various graphs and charts will provide me with proven numbers to work with, if needed, to persuade the reader in my own paper.

Iwamoto, Derek. "Tupac Shakur: Understanding the Identity Formation of Hyper-Masculinity of a Popular Hip-Hop Artist." Black Scholar, 33.2 (2003): 44-49.

This Tupac Shakur article is the first one i read that focused on a specific rapper, compared to the rap industry as a whole. It basically differentiated Shakur's "masks" in the wide variety of songs he produced and showed how they influenced the media and public perception of not only him, but rap music as a whole. For example, many of his songs did reference violence, so Iwamoto showed the difference in the effect this had on followers of rap and non-followers. Now, because he was a major artist within the rap scene, many people associated the rest of rap with him as well. The article did provide two sides of information throughout.

Though the author's perspective wasn't shown too much in the article, his perspective seems to be critical of the public's general negative quick interpretation of rap, especially those with little knowledge of it. He seems to think that rap has both positive and negative effects, but also appreciates the creativity that goes into creating rap songs. Overall, I'd classify his position as neutral or slightly a positive outlook on rap.

A micro-research paper like this provides specific examples of the ideas that other articles just touch on. It will be good to incorporate both general and specific material into my paper to create a balance of information. I can use the information in this article to explain the broad topics within my paper.

Conrad, Kate, Travis Dixon, and Yuanyuan Zhang. "Controversial Rap Themes, Gender Portrayals and Skin Tone Distortion: A Content Analysis of Rap Music Videos." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 53.1 (2009): 134-156.

Key terms:
Materialism: Expression of one's wealth
Misogyny: portrayal of men's dominance over women (in rap music videos)
Colorism: prejudice based on skin tone/color

The content of this article is laid out almost perfectly in the title of the article. Its main purpose is to analyze rap music videos and show how they affect people's overall portrayal of rap music. The authors use various research and experiments to analyze three main issues with rap music: thematic content, Afrocentric features, and gender differences. They provide both negative and positive themes found within rap music and use them to figure out the relation of music video content to listener's perception. Also, the article not only focused on skin color, it got specific enough to examine skin tone of blacks and how darkness effects perception.

Since there are three different authors for this article, it is hard to tell what perspectives they each have. However, it seems as though they are trying to write a neutral article that focuses on research to provide answers to their questions. They use very little personal bias and focus mostly on facts found in experiments of rap music videos.

I like that this article showed the relation of the actual rap songs and the videos that go with them. It provides me with information from a whole new viewpoint that I previously wasn't planning on going into.

Adams, Terri, and Douglas Fuller. "The Words Have Changed but the Ideology Remains the Same: Misogynistic Lyrics in Rap Music."Journal of Black Studies, 36.6 (2006): 938-957.

Keyword: Misogyny- hatred or disdain toward women (939)

Adams and Fullers' article has one large goal in mind: to show the relationship between misogynistic views in rap music and the overall view of African American women throughout history. They claim that since misogyny emerged in rap music during the 1980s, it has remained a large component of rap in many different ways. Even songs with a title that doesn't relate to women at all sometimes fit misogynistic comments in their songs somewhere. Adams and Fuller claim that the use of misogyny in rap is what causes 1, many people to have a negative view of rap music, and 2, those who like rap to develop racist or sexist views.

The authors definitely have a negative view of rap and do not agree with the representation of women in rap music. They only provide one perspective, making this a rather biased article. Facts and cited information is used to promote their viewpoint, but again that is the only one discussed throughout. The positive themes within rap are never examined.

This article will work well to conflict previous articles I found like "Rap Music and Its Violent Progeny: America's Culture of Violence in Context," which has a more positive outlook on rap music. When used to argue against each other, I think they will provide an interesting argument in my own paper. I personally do not agree with this article, but it's good to use "balanced coverage" when writing my own paper, even if I disagree with something.

Trapp, Erin. "The Push and Pull of Hip-Hop: A Social Movement Analysis." American Behavioral Scientist, 48.11 (2005): 1482-1495.

The article examines how hip-hop and rap have affected social movements, using two different theories. The new social movement theory states " asserts the shifting identities of (largely) African American youth into the larger culture that could not previously accommodate the ideas and practices expressed in these identities" (1483). This is considered to be the "push" effect. The new social movement theory can be compared to the political opportunity theory which says hip-hop/ rap artists are social movement leaders themselves. This theory is called the "pull" effect. Trapp uses the work of rap and hip-hop icons Queen Latifah and Tupac Shakur (who grew with similar lifestyles), to show the difference in portrayal of women in their songs.

Trapp has a very neutral standpoint in her article, she solely wanted to explore the difference between an artist who creates a new social movement and one who simply promotes an existing one. However, by the end of the article, she comes to a conclusion based on her research, without ever taking a side in the article.

This article was useful for more than just information. Trapp's ability to make a conclusion about her topic without using bias, as I explained in the previous paragraph, will help me write my own paper. From an information standpoint, the use of the two contrasting theories is different from any other article I've read so far. Two contrasting ideas like this is always useful, because I'll be able to put both in my paper and allow the reader to make their own decision on which they feel is more correct.

Sullivan, Rachel. "Rap and Race: It's Got a Nice Beat, but What About the Message?." Journal of Black Studies, 33.5 (2003): 605-622.

This article provides a first-hand look at how rap has affected rap music fans. It is different from many other articles that examine rap portrayal, in that, most focus on studies and writer's viewpoints, instead of the opinions of individual rap music listeners. Teenagers are the focus of the article, because they make up the majority of rap music listeners. Interviews are used to determine the difference of perception of rap based on race. It was found that rap music is liked by a wide variety of races, but was easier to actual relate to for a African American kids. The history and origin of rap provided in the beginning of the article shows why rap is characterized like is today.

The author Rachel E. Sullivan, writes from a purely research-based standpoint. Once again, personal opinion is absent in this paper. As shown under the title, she is writing in affiliation with the University of Connecticut. The title- "Rap and Race: It's Got a Nice Beat, but What About the Message?" seems to show she wrote in a very similar manner as I will be. A question in the title like so, leads to inquiry, as I will also be doing.

The interviews of teenage kids will be very useful to me when writing my own paper. I can relate well to other teenager's opinions of rap, because I am a teen that listens to rap as well. Also, because this paper is written in a similar way that I plan to write mine, it will be a nice guide for me to look at.

Tyson, Edgar. "Rap-music Attitude and Perception Scale: A Validation Study." Research on Social Work Practice, 16.2 (2006): 211-223.

Tyson's article is actually a study that tests the Rap-music Attitude and Perception Scale (RAP), which apparently is supposed to measure a person's feelings towards rap based on the content of rap music. Using various theories, studies and procedures this study confirmed that the RAP was a good measure of people's feelings towards rap music.

The author of this article wrote from a skeptical perspective. He probably felt that there was no way a sheet of paper like the RAP could prove a person's perception of rap music. He used experiments he conducted to prove himself wrong, and then put the results of his study into a paper.

I don't really think this article is going to be very useful for answering my own research question, it contains a lot of information I really don't think will be useful to me. However, I feel the actual RAP Scale and its measures of people's perceptions may possibly be useful. I may try to find a copy of it and use it to support claims in my paper.

Herd, Denise. "Changing Images of Violence in Rap Music Lyrics: 1979-1997." Journal of Public Health Policy, 30.4 (2009): 395-406.

The idea of this article is to explain the changes within rap music, especially lyrically from the 1970s to the 1990s. Obviously, rap music has changed tremendously in many ways since its beginning in the 1970s. This specific article focuses mostly on the appearance of violent references within rap songs. It finds that violent phrases have more than doubled in rap music as a whole in the 20-year span. Violence has gradually become associated with power, wealth, glamour, etc., which has also increased acceptance of rap. Changing social conditions and increased teenage violent behavior is seen as a cause of such a change.
It seems as though the writer is concerned with the content in rap music, especially violent references, which would be why she chose to write about such a topic. It seemed that by the end of the article she became more understanding of rap, based off of the information she gathered about changing social conditions which explained why rap has changed.

The examining of actual content of rap music in this article will be very helpful in providing information to back-up a conclusion I'll eventually make about my own research question.

1 from Original Research Question:

Research Question: "How has the portrayal of the father figure in television sitcoms changed throughout the life of sitcoms?"

Scharrer, Erica. "From Wise to Foolish: The Portrayal of the Sitcom Father, 1950s-1990s." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 45.1 (2001): 23-40.

Summary: Over the years, the representation of fathers in television sitcoms has changed gradually but drastically. For example, jokes directed toward the man of the family used to be non-existent, where as today it is very common. The fact that sitcoms tend to follow the current economic and social states of a country, explain why this is true. Historically, when men were the main breadwinners for the family and women were stay-at-home moms, men were respected more than women. This idea of men being more important than women basically prohibited jokes being made against men in sitcoms. Today, women are much more present in the workforce and are viewed as equal to men, making jokes against men more appropriate.

An aspect that changes more randomly is when relating a man's portrayal in sitcoms to their economic class on the show. For the most part, more shows with a middle-class father will make fun of the character when compared to a show with an upper-class father. The idea being a middle-class father has less "power" than an upper-class one. Overall, sitcoms represent real-life society and allow a "weak" father character to be the basis of a joke, whereas a "strong" is the opposite. For example, in real-life tall men are usually seen as powerful and short men viewed as weak.
Author's Perspective: While reading the article, I got a feel of a feminist perspective without even realizing that a woman wrote it until after i read it. A majority of the article is not only about how a father's portrayal has changed, but a wife's as well. I feel as though Scharrer likes the idea that today's portrayal is not as unfair; that is something she points out numerous times. She definitely feels that the portrayal of fathers in sitcoms has changed quite a bit, and rightfully so. Her research led right to that conclusion.

How it helps me: This article provides a lot of information as to why the portrayal of fathers has changed and lays out how it occurred over time. I feel it will be useful for me when writing my own paper, especially from the "shift in power aspect."

Monday, September 26, 2011

Research Paper Source #1

Research Question: "How has the portrayal of the father figure in television sitcoms changed throughout the life of sitcoms?"

Scharrer, Erica. "From Wise to Foolish: The Portrayal of the Sitcom Father, 1950s-1990s." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 45.1 (2001): 23-40.

Summary: Over the years, the representation of fathers in television sitcoms has changed gradually but drastically. For example, jokes directed toward the man of the family used to be non-existent, where as today it is very common. The fact that sitcoms tend to follow the current economic and social states of a country, explain why this is true. Historically, when men were the main breadwinners for the family and women were stay-at-home moms, men were respected more than women. This idea of men being more important than women basically prohibited jokes being made against men in sitcoms. Today, women are much more present in the workforce and are viewed as equal to men, making jokes against men more appropriate.

An aspect that changes more randomly is when relating a man's portrayal in sitcoms to their economic class on the show. For the most part, more shows with a middle-class father will make fun of the character when compared to a show with an upper-class father. The idea being a middle-class father has less "power" than  an upper-class one. Overall, sitcoms represent real-life society and allow a "weak" father character to be the basis of a joke, whereas a "strong" is the opposite. For example, in real-life tall men are usually seen as powerful and short men viewed as weak.

Author's Perspective: While reading the article, I got a feel of a feminist perspective without even realizing that a woman wrote it until after i read it. A majority of the article is not only about how a father's portrayal has changed, but a wife's as well. I feel as though Scharrer likes the idea that today's portrayal is not as unfair; that is something she points out numerous times. She definitely feels that the portrayal of fathers in sitcoms has changed quite a bit, and rightfully so. Her research led right to that conclusion.

How it helps me: This article provides a lot of information as to why the portrayal of fathers has changed and lays out how it occurred over time. I feel it will be useful for me when writing my own paper, especially from the "shift in power aspect." 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beginning the research paper

Task One:
Two original questions:
1. What role do television sitcoms play in people's lives?
2. Are boy and girl stereotypes inborn or learned characteristics?

Two revised questions:
1. How has the representation of television sitcom characters changed over time?
2. Should parents influence their children's actions, when based on boy/girl stereotypes?

After learning more about the characteristics a good inquiry-based research paper needs, I realized my questions  needed to be revised in order to write a good paper. The first question I chose I thought was too broad and would lead to a paper without enough structure, so I changed it so that I have a more specific question to start with. My second question was basically the opposite. It seemed as though it would not provide enough information to write a long research paper and was too much of a straight-forward question. By adding the parent aspect, I think there will be more information to work with and will lead to a more interesting paper.

I am leaning towards writing my paper on my first question about television sitcoms, because I am quite interested in that topic and enjoy watching a variety sitcoms. I think researching the history of them will bring out a lot of interesting information about how sitcoms have changed over the years. It seems as though it will be easier for me to research that topic than my other choice.

Task Two:
Keywords, issues, ideas:

  • Comedy 
  • Entertainment
  • Influence on public
  • Story lines in place, but laughter is always present
  • Radio sitcoms 
  • Once-a-week programs
  • Weight issue on children
An idea that seems very important is the comedic aspect, because almost every article I searched at some point mentioned the comedy that is always within sitcoms. The influence on the public also seems like something I should focus on. A lot of articles were actually more focused on that aspect of sitcoms, compared to the actual content of them. Using the above keywords and phrases will guide me into researching different parts of sitcoms and then allowing me to mesh them all together into a paper.

This initial search allowed me to see what the best way to approach writing a research paper on sitcoms would be. The influence on the public is something I realized should probably stay in my paper. I think the best way to approach this topic would be to consider two sides of sitcoms: the actual content of them and how they have changed through the decades, along with the influence on the public. Incorporating both my original question and my revised question into one would probably be the best option, resulting in  something like this:

 "How has the representation of television sitcom characters changed over time, and how has this influenced the public over the years?"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Research Paper Questions

Sorry I didn't post this with the first part of the assignment. I accidentally wrote my questions in my notebook. Here they are.

  • Why does time go faster when your having fun?
  • Do today's adults over-exaggerate how much more active they were when they were young, when comparing to today's youth?
  • Why are people so interested in the lives of celebrities?
  • How did  piercings and tattoos become so popular?
  • How is the U.S. really viewed around the world?
  • Why do people's moods reflect the weather, and does a city's weather actually increase/decrease the suicide rate there?
  • Are boy and girl stereotypes inborn or learned characteristics?
  • What role does television sitcoms play in a people's lives? 


Monday, September 19, 2011

Questions and Inquiry

I think that almost all questions do lead to inquiry, because simply just asking a question with the intent of learning something new is an example of inquiry. Inquiry is the desire to gain knowledge or information, and most questions do exactly that. Just asking someone a simple yes or no question, no matter how simple will in some way lead to the person gaining more knowledge than they had before. An example in which inquiry is closed down is in the instance of sarcasm, because the person's answer is of little or no concern to the person asking the question. The fact of them answering or ignoring the question really doesn't matter.

Now, obviously some questions lead to more inquiry than others. For example, Bryson's question as to where random components of his house originated from in the "Introduction" of At Home lead to more inquiry than say the question "How do birds fly?" would. Sometimes the simplest or weirdest questions, like "Why do forks have four tines and not three or five? (At Home 5)" bring out the best examples of inquiry. The less straight-forward answers that come out of a question, the more inquiry the question leads to. If one question leads into other questions, more inquiry will come about. In Bryson's "Introduction" his questions about the churchyard/gravestones lead to questions about archaeological finds, and so on, leading to more and more inquiry.

Basically, if a question can be answered on the spot, or with a little research and then spat onto paper, there isn't much inquiry involved. However, if the question leads to the mind wandering and the answering of other related questions, there is a lot of inquiry involved. Simple as that!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"At Home" Response

After reading a few examples of essays and excerpts about research and inquiry, I realized they all had one main thing in common. Despite their differences, all of them were able to fit both factual researched information, along with their own opinion into their work and make it flow. Without both of these two aspects, the reader would become less interested, because the writing would be harder to relate to. This is why I came to the conclusion that inquiry is really a somewhat open-ended, "do as the writer feels" type of writing. It's basically the gathering of information of a topic, meshing it together with the writer's own thoughts, and putting it on paper. Don't get me wrong, there obviously are some restrictions as to what a writer can do in a critical inquiry type paper, but there definitely aren't strict guidelines by any means. Whether the essay be argumentative or solely research, all inquiry has the same general background.

 In the excerpt of At Home that I read, most of the research and personal experience/opinion were separated. The "Introduction" being the personal part and  "Chapter IV" being the more factual part. I am under the impression, however the rest of the chapters were similar anyway. The importance of the intro when relating to length is quite deceiving, due to the fact it provides a reason for writing the book. Bryson's transition throughout the "Introduction" from thinking about churchyards/gravestones to archaeological finds to the history of normal human actions is all in the process of wanting to gain knowledge. The quote in his introduction, "So I thought it might be interesting, for the length of a book, to consider the ordinary things in life, to notice them for once and treat them as if they were important, too. (pg. 4)," is the origin of the book.

As I found out in Bryson's essay, even the most boring topics, like ice and cookbooks can actually turn into a good research paper. The idea of acquiring knowledge about "taken for granted" items throughout a house is actually kind of fascinating when reading the final product. This is a perfect example of what inquiry is; the gathering of knowledge about a topic and putting it on paper from the writer's own perspective. But really, who in their right mind would want to research the history of ice? No one. Now, if there is a reason to research it, such as the effect ice had on food preservation, some might want to know how it all started. If I didn't read this excerpt I would have never known the ice I now reach into a freezer for was once basically a delicacy in Europe, and sat in a store window. Bryson was even able to tie Mrs. Beeton and her apparent knowledge of cooking and food into the ice concept, she said: "The aged, the delicate and children should abstain from ices or cold beverages,... (pg. 77)."

I think Bryson's essay fits our academic model well and is exactly what inquiry is. He used his own want to learn about certain subjects and tied them altogether to explain their origins.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bill Bryson history

Bill Bryson is a once college drop-out, who moved to England and wrote for the English newspapers The Times and The Independent, and is now an accomplished author. His potential audience is people who enjoy small things in life and like reading humorous stories. Bryson's books usually have a  travel and/or language theme and have in depth descriptions throughout.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Building a Mystery" Response

1. In the essay "Building a Mystery," Davis and Shadle are simply arguing the academic world's idea of what a research paper should look like. They feel that research papers should not be all grouped into large category, but broken down into four smaller categories based on the content and goal of the essay.

2. Davis and Shadle had two main purposes for arguing the widely accepted and historical research paper. First, they wanted to provide teachers and students (especially college-level) with a new, more sophisticated way of writing research papers. Second, they wanted to see how the students' way of thinking changed after using their system.

3. The belief throughout the essay was that the current research paper was something that students put as little effort into as possible and was completed solely to be completed. They believed that instead of increasing their knowledge and gaining expertise on a certain topic, students were mindlessly taking information from sources and rewriting it in an essay. Their essay is basically an attempt to prove that the current research paper is obsolete when compared to their model and that it could solve the problems of current student research writing.

4. Davis and Shadle thought that students would have a much easier time writing a research essay if given the opportunity to choose from a number of formats. By creating the four different types, students could choose the one that would best fit their information/ assignment and have an easier time writing the paper. For example, the personal research paper would be helpful when writing a research paper that required both factual/ studied information, along with personal experience.

Personally, I feel that Davis and Shadle were correct in thinking that research essay writing is rather boring for students and is in most cases done as quickly as possible just to get it done. I've never been concerned about increasing my intellectual curiosity and exploring data further than just brushing its surface, unless I was really interested in the topic (which in many cases isn't the students choice anyway). Now, am I totally convinced that their system would work? Not really. I can't really see students becoming more interested in doing research just because they have a better model to work with. It may be a good idea, however, the fact that an old model has already been put into students' heads, makes it hard to believe this idea will work.

Saying all this, there were good points throughout the essay that helped me understand research writing a little more. It seemed to be more lenient than i thought, due to the dependence on the information used and point of the paper. The section that helped me the most was the "personal research paper," because I now understand better how to incorporate personal thoughts into a research paper. One comment I found interesting was "The  authors recommend that research writers imagine themselves in conversation with the readers" (Davis and Shadle 427). It made it easier to picture a way to put personal thought into the paper.

A project that would work well with Davis and Shadle's model would be group research papers that require good communication from members of the group. A more detailed format would allow the final product to be more clean and organized.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Research Writing

The sample essay "The Media Affecting Teenage Rebellion," was quite similar to what a normal research paper would look like. It has many similar characteristics as to what we came up with in class and fit the picture in my head of what a research paper should sound like. The main goal of a research paper, which is to inform/ persuade the reader about a certain topic was definitely reached by the end of the paper. 

When first looking at a paper, it is easy to tell if it is research using one distinct component, citations. Obviously, if there is quotations in a paper from an outside source (either using quotation marks or blocked text) it is a probably a research paper. Being a rather long research essay this sample features many examples of both. For example  in the third paragraph the author uses a quote from Bucholtz 141, "Adolescence has been shaped by both education and urbanization" (2). Along with other short quotes, a few longer blocks are used throughout the paper as well. A bibliography at the end of the essay also indicates research had been done. Whether a list of 3 or 15 sources, the bibliography proves that legitimate sources were used to write the paper.

Even without quotations in a paper, it would be easy to realize this paper was a research paper. After reading a few lines it was easy to see this paper was not exactly meant to entertain, rather inform. The author's use of questions in the opening paragraph hints at what exactly the point of the paper is. The author straight up admits what the paper will be about by asking the question "in what ways does the media affect how adolescents rebels against authority" (1)? This main focus question is answered throughout the paper with information, and is then reflected upon through personal experience, surveys, etc. At one point the author states "I, personally, have witnessed a great deal of underage substance use through both my high school and college career" (4), which is then followed by information from other text to explain the reason behind the behavior. This directly correlates to the "reflection about learned information" topic we discussed in class.

The fact the author used many different points of view about the same topic and also allowed the reader to form his/ her own opinion on the topic, created a good overall theme for the paper. The topic of media affecting teenage rebellion was looked at from many different angles, and from both a positive and negative outlook. A balanced coverage type paper, as is this one, is needed to establish the argumentative/ persuasive feel which we discussed was needed for a good research paper. Overall, the paper was well-written and had all the needed aspects for a research-based essay.